Trying to stay on top of all your house-cleaning tasks can be a challenge, especially when you consider your available time, your children’s schedules and more.
But the good news is that you can manage it all a little more efficiently if you have a cleaning system in place. By doing this, you can break down the overwhelming job of keeping your home neat into smaller tasks that can be done daily, weekly and monthly.
To get started creating your own cleaning system, follow these steps:
Write Down Cleaning Tasks for Each Room
Grab a piece of paper or a notebook, and take a tour of your home. In each room (and we mean each and every room, including the linen closet, basement, back porch, etc.), make a list of all the cleaning tasks it needs. Be sure to add the tasks you do regularly, occasionally and even the ones you don’t have time for, and use a separate piece of paper for each room.
Prioritize the Room-by-Room Lists
On each list you’ve created, begin to categorize every task.. Use different-colored highlighters to label each one as high, medium, medium-low and high priority. Identify high priority items as those done daily, medium as those done weekly, medium-low as those done monthly and low as those done seasonally.
Start Building Your Cleaning Schedule
Develop your schedule using this information. You’ll have to give attention to the daily tasks each day, but you’ll also have to make time for the weekly ones somewhere. One option is to complete weekly tasks per each room per day. Consider assigning those rooms that require more weekly work to a slower day overall, improving the chances that all the tasks get done.
Stick to the Lists!
Managing the daily tasks may seem easier (at least in theory), but you’ll have to make some effort to assign the tasks weekly, then monthly, then seasonally. You can laminate each room’s list or place it in a page protector so you can check off each one as it’s done, then wipe it off in preparation for the next day. That way your list is always ready when you are!
Make Adjustments When Needed
Now that your cleaning system is in place, that doesn’t mean your weekly schedule ever will be. Just think of kids’ activities, school functions, doctor’s appointments and the like. Look at your schedule and adjust your cleaning plan to fit it. Taking this time will help ensure that you’ve got a realistic outlook on what you can do and when, and that will make you more productive!
Still overwhelmed trying to clean and juggling everything else? Whether you need monthly assistance or a little less, our professional cleaning teams can help! We pride ourselves in helping our customers keep their homes on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay, including Fairhope, Point Clear, Montrose, Daphne and Spanish Fort, as well as Foley, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach clean! We’re also available to clean commercial and rental properties in the same service area. Contact us today to discuss your cleaning needs!